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AspectJtm is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Javatm programming language. To build AspectJ programs and navigate crosscutting structure within Emacs, first download and install the AspectJ distribution itself from the AspectJ project page, then download a distribution below and see the online documentation for the extension to java-mode or the extension to JDEE. AspectJ documentation is available on the AspectJ project page. The core AspectJ tools are licenced under the CPL. AspectJ for Emacs is licensed under the GPL.
Users wanting to contribute feedback should go to the bug tracker on the SourceForge developer's page. To submit AspectJ or compiler bugs, please use the AspectJ bug database (product AspectJ).
Developers wanting to fix bugs or add features can find the source code and contact the project developers from the developer's page.
Distributions |
AspectJ for Emacs v1.1b2: supports AspectJ 1.1, GNU Emacs 20.7, XEmacs 21.4.3 and JDEE 2.2.9beta7. (This is mostly repackaged from 1.0.6) |
AJDE for Emacs/JDEE. v1.0.6: supports AspectJ 1.0, GNU Emacs 20.7, XEmacs 21.4.3 and JDEE 2.2.9beta7. Download emacsMode for the extension to java-mode or emacsAJDEE for the extension to JDEE. |
aspectj-emacsMode-1.0.6.tgz (35,173 bytes)
aspectj-emacsAJDEE-1.0.6.tgz (53,688 bytes)
AspectJ for Emacs is part of a larger AspectJ and aspect-oriented programming community. See below for more information on related projects and tools.
Links |
AspectJ is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language. The AspectJ project provides the core tools, documentation, and community resources. |
AspectJ for JBuilder provides a JBuilder OpenTool to integrate AspectJ with Borland's JBuilder IDE. |
AspectJ for NetBeans provides a NetBeans Module to integrate AspectJ with the Forte/SunONE Studio 4 and NetBeans IDEs. |
JDEE interfaces Emacs to command-line Java development tools and provides a structure view of your Java project. |
GNU Emacs is a popular distribution of Emacs. |
XEmacs is the other popular distribution of Emacs. |
PARC started the AspectJ project and links papers, slides, and the AspectJ tutorial. |
AOSD.net hosts discussions and lists related events, tools, methods, and applications for the broader community of aspect-oriented software development. |