;;; This is an example JDEE prj.el "project" file for an AspectJ project, in ;;; particular spacewar. ;;; ;;; A prj.el file permits each project to take on unique settings, in this ;;; case both AspectJ settings and settings for spacewar itself. This is ;;; particularly valuable if you use JDEE for both regular Java and ;;; AspectJ projects. The file is placed in the project directory. (require 'ajdee) (when (not aspectj-mode) (aspectj-mode)) ; because it makes it work ;;; ;;; JDEE/speedbar settings to (a) make it behave properly for AspectJ, and (b) ;;; configure for spacewar. ;;; (custom-set-variables '(jde-compiler '("ajc" "ajc")) ; ajc is AspectJ's compiler '(jde-javadoc-command-path "ajdoc") ;; Widen the speedbar to show more of AJ's longer tag names. '(speedbar-frame-parameters (quote ((minibuffer) (width . 30) (border-width . 0) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (unsplittable . t)))) ;; Don't let speedbar split into submenus smaller than 40 items '(speedbar-tag-split-minimum-length 40) ;; Compile and run options are for spacewar, in examples/spacewar. ;; *if* compiling packages, name root dir for package hierarchy ;; to tell ajc where .class files should go. '(jde-compile-option-directory "./..") '(jde-run-working-directory "./..") '(jde-run-application-class "spacewar.Game") ; ajc provides an ``argfile'' mechanism for specifying all files. '(aspectj-compile-file-specification "-argfile demo.lst") )